
We want to solve hiring. Simple.

While internet platforms have evolved a lot, offering several ways to socialize, make payments and share files, there has been no corresponding evolution when it comes to hiring, at least not on the same scale. Hiring still largely revolves around resume processing and an incredible amount of man hours is spent interviewing people who are never hired.

Even when platforms, like LinkedIn, attempt to introduce new ways to communicate, there is a strong tendency for them to lean into the social aspects of their platform instead of trying to solve the difficult problem of hiring. The immediate advertising opportunities from social media has proven to be irresistible. Ultimately we have ended up with companies that don't address the fundamental problems with hiring.

Social media today offers several ways for people to express themselves. Images, videos, stories, reels and posts. We want to introduce some of these mediums of communication into the professional world with a strong focus on hiring.

We are starting small. Our first product is a simple but robust solution that allows startups to communicate their vision through a video and collect video responses from people interested in working with them. The idea is to allow companies to get a real sense of the person behind the resume while also allowing applicants to understand the company better. The solution was built with startups in mind but we believe established companies can also benefit from such a solution.

We are eager to see how startups, companies and people use our product. We want to learn more about the challenges with hiring and introduce new features and products to support it. Its going to be a long but adventurous road.

Founder & CEO

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Nitesh Baskaran
BITS, Pilani | Qualcomm | Entangld

Over the years my interests have spanned several domains from physics to music to programming. All of them continue to influence me today. In high school I spent a lot of time writing code in Borland C++ but I was also fascinated by physics. As a result I graduated college with a degree in both engineering and physics with an intention of pursuing a Ph.D. After an year in IISc, as a research assistant, I had very little to show for, so I started looking elsewhere. I ended up working for Qualcomm.

It was my first real job and I could not have asked for a better one. I was back writing code after a very long time and absolutely loved it. I learned how to build great technology while working in the most challenging circumstances. I worked with great people and had the opportunity to lead and be led. I started getting the feeling that I could run a company on my own and so started looking for ideas. For a while I found nothing that I really jump into, something I could quit my job for.

Then I began noticing how challenging hiring was for companies. An entire team would spend a day or two interviewing candidates and ultimately reject most of them. This got me thinking. I started to realize that hiring still lacked mature solutions and so I started iterating through various ideas. Eventually I landed on an something that felt just right. I decided to run with it and start my own company.

If you want to read more about how I go started and the early days of Entangld, checkout my blog post: Taking the leap

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You can drop us an email but it would be so much better if you provided us a video response. Tell us what you what you like about what we are doing. How would you improve it and what would you do if joined us.

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Chennai, India