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We want to build a better job platform. This means helping people find jobs they love and helping companies fill critical roles on time.

The impact of internet on job search feels mild at best. Job platforms have either failed to adopt the social revolution or have adopted the wrong aspects of it. Either your resumes are analyzed by AI algorithms with little human context, or you see needless posturing and pretence in the name of networking. Ultimately, they have failed to provide real value to both people and companies.

We want to bring job platforms to the modern era. This means helping both people and companies communicate better. Helping candidates express their true potential via voice and video. Providing companies with an evaluation by human experts. Helping them evaluate subjective traits like confidence, communication and leadership.

We want to build a platform that can operate at scale, help companies save time and improve hiring efficiency. Help people find jobs they can be proud of, even if they don't have fancy degrees. We want to cut the red tape.

We want to help build the future of jobs.

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Founder & CEO

Nitesh Baskaran
BITS, Pilani | Qualcomm | Entangld

After a brief stint in IISc as a research assistant, I started working for Qualcomm. It was my first real job and I could not have asked for a better one. I learned how to build great technology while working in the most challenging circumstances. I worked with great people and had the opportunity to both lead and be led.

In the meantime, I had been contemplating starting my own company, but I did not have a compelling idea yet. While I was there, I began noticing how challenging hiring was for companies. A lot of time was spent interviewing candidates we never hired. This got me thinking, and I started iterating through various solutions. Eventually I landed on an idea that felt just right. I decided to run with it and start my own company.

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Ever wanted to work for a startup?
We are looking for talented engineers and inspired leaders to join us. Drop us an email and we'll get back to you.

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Chennai, India.